“We’re on a Mission to change the negative perception of sales and make it a profession to be proud of”

As the Host of the Sales Reinvented Podcast, Paul Watts believes that sales is an honourable profession. As a Sales and Sales Management Coach, he endorses a full lifecycle sales model that is more than just one party selling to another. It brings value to both parties through a relationship – not a transaction.

“What makes you a valuable contributor today will not necessarily make you valuable tomorrow”

As a Sales Performance Coach at Base Over, Apex Paul combines the most effective sales strategies with personal accountability to produce results for the companies he works with. His focus is New Business Development and Social Selling. A pillar of Paul’s training is teaching salespeople how to increase their effectiveness by finding and accessing an account’s decision makers.

“The amount of change going on in the world right now is unparalleled. The world has never changed as quickly as it is today”

In his 15+ years as a salesperson Paul Watts has received numerous sales awards for his ability to find and influence the Executive Decision Makers. As a Trainer he shares actionable examples on how to do this directly from his successful sales career. One cutting edge strategy that Paul both practices and teaches is Social Selling. He trains sales professionals how to use social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube as part of a disciplined sales process. A key point in any of his training is making people accountable for their sales success by assigning goals and following up on targets for future engagements through coaching sessions.

His knowledge is expanded upon by his designation as a Certified Sales Professional and Professional Sales Instructor with the Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA) which has trained more than 12,000 salespeople. Paul is also a certified Adult Educator.

Join us for this 20 minute audio adventure as we explore World-Class Sales Leadership Perspectives with Paul Watts.

Paul Watts on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/salesreinvented
Paul Watts on Twitter: @salesreinvented
Sales Reinvented Website: http://salesreinvented.com
Base Over Apex Website: https://base-over-apex.com
Ubiquity Leadership: UbiquityLeadership.com

Next Week’s Show:
Introvert Leaders with Author & Coach Beth Buelow