What is Transformational Leadership? On this episode, we find out with Krishna Kumar, President of the International Association of Coaching (IAC).

“Most of us dream of being in a better place but most great leaders have got to where they are by applying leverage”

A pioneer in the sphere of Leadership and Executive Coaching in India, Krishna Kumar holds the firm belief that coaching is enlightening, transformational, at times magical, almost always healing and possessing the power to build a healthier and harmonious society. It is a belief that has carried him through a diverse and continuing learning journey over three decades where he has donned the hats of a senior corporate executive, an entrepreneur, a master tennis coaching professional, a B-school professor, independent Board member and as a Leadership and Executive Coach.  

“If you are able to transform an individual and take them to what they perceives as a better place, then you are a good coach”

An active member of the international coaching community he is presently the global President of the International Association of Coaching (IAC), widely recognized as a premier coach credentialing association, the Founder Director of the Intrad School of Executive Coaching (ISEC), a Founding Fellow of the Institute of Coaching, an affiliate of the Harvard Medical College and a Board Certified Coach by the Center for Credentialing & Education (USA). In 2016, he developed the AWARETM model for coaching that merged concepts and practices from sports psychology and organizational behaviour to effectively improve performance of senior executives in the corporate and business world.

“If you want inspired leadership, the first thing you need to do is to build trust”

An inspired leader seeks to bring about a positive transformation in society. Coaching provides the perfect vehicle for transformation when leaders, acting as coaches, become the ‘trim tab’ that provide the leverage to propel change.

“Establishing and maintaining a relationship of trust is the trim tab or fulcrum on which society can transform”

Krishna reminds us that society functions on a foundation of trust that demonstrates fairness and shared values but as we now move through a time of difficult transformation we are witness to an implosion of trust, both at the individual and institutional levels. Establishing Trust is the core of any transformation and can coaches using the fulcrum of coaching leverage trust to bring about positive societal transformation? Is coaching the right tool for such transformation?

Join us in listening to and learning from one of the great Developmental Coaches of our time, Krishna Kumar. It will be 20 minutes you will never forget.

Krishna Kumar on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/krishna-kumar-btme-mba-bcc-fellow-ioc-9852072
Krishna Kumar on Twitter: @iseckkumar
Krishna Kumar’s Email: [email protected]
IAC Website: https://certifiedcoach.org
Timothy Gallway’s website The Inner Game: http://theinnergame.com
The Inner Game of Work by Timothy Gallway: https://www.amazon.ca/Inner-Game-Work-Learning-Workplace/dp/0375758178
Ubiquity Leadership Coaching: www.UbiquityLeadership.com

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