David is the founder of DekaLabs and Dekachain, where they develop high-quality apps, Blockchain, FinTech and Smart contracts. Working with companies from all around the world, he tells us the story of how he decided to take a big cut in his salary to work with a startup that was doing what he wanted to do.     We Talk About [1:18] How David started consulting on blockchain completely by accident  [3:28] What is ICO. [7:19] Learning about blockchain by himself. [9:19] Is it too late to get into bitcoins? [14:03] Smart contracts. Public and private keys. And some other basic concepts in this technology. [18:07] Practical uses of blockchain. Personal data protection, Healthcare, DNA, Supermarket, Environmental protection, etc. Challenges ahead for individuals and companies.  [26:46] Comparing blockchain to other technologies. [27:54] His career. How he built and manages a remote team. Past experiences working with maps, shipments, and startups. [32:53] Getting to work with the Barcelona FC and other with other big companies all around the world. [35:23] Suggestions to be happy with our careers. [36:37] Where to meet entrepreneurs in Valencia. Working with startups. App for boxing. [38:44] Some are concepts you should know about blockchain like hash and nodes. [41:57] Coworking spaces in Valencia. [43:48] What David looks for when hiring a new team member. How he sees his company in five years. Tools he uses.  [45:26] "creating a school in Valencia around blockchain, Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc." Quotes [7:57] "If you want to go faster, a course may help, but you can learn on your own."   [11:12] "It is clear that the main keywords are decentralization and trust. They go hand by hand."   [11:23] "You don't have to trust a person. You have to trust the technology."   [20:23] "Each of us will be able to lock and unlock part of our entire medical records to doctors or hospitals. Blockchain enables you to manage your permissions."   [26:06] “The most important thing in blockchain is the personal identity."   [27:03] "I don't think [blockchain] will be the new internet as somebody said. I think it will help build a new internet (…) more user-oriented, where the user will be more in control."   [37:38] "Accelerators are open to knowing people because you can help them or they can help you, it's an ecosystem."   Links David Ortega on LinkedIn David Ortega on Twitter David Ortega company, Dekalabs Talk Blockchain Valencia Dekachain courses  bit2me Ethereum Monero Chain of Things GDPR Mari's article about Blockchain Sanitas Data Security Barcelona FC Club de Innovacion Fly Wire Geek Hubs TeamWork trello  

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