Ozzi Jarvinen - Founder of Iglu, a company aligned with the future   How Iglu can help you relocate your business to Thailand, give you a business visa, so you can concentrate on what matters and enjoy life.   If there are two words that best describe our guest today they are INNOVATION & ATTITUDE   Founder of Iglu, initially a software development company that has grown up to 500% a year, into a  growing community of 99 digital professionals + 24 nationalities, in 4 offices  in Thailand, goalkeeper of the Chiang Mai ice hockey team,    He explains how they can help you relocate your business and/or your entire team to Thailand, help you get a business visa that enables you to get into Thailand via express lane (same as the monks and diplomats, that’s right), your taxes, health insurance, give you a cool office, 98 digital coworkers from 24 nationalities, so you can concentrate on what matters and enjoy life. It’s not a dream, it’s the work future already here.    He also shares the benefits of paying taxes in Thailand, how outsourcing to India can be 31% more expensive because of Communication, work methodology and control, and because of different concepts of deadline.      We talk about:   -advantages of homeschooling kids   - how he got the strict Thai government to endorse his project   - the lifestyle one can have in chiang mai   - the Digital Nomad city he dreams of building   - how he got to test playstation games for the military   - how Iglu became the biggest employer of Finns in Thailand   - how Chiang Mai transitioned from having 10 digital nomads to thousands of them now    - why companies from Silicon Valley realized their technical work does not have to be done in Silicon Valley    - how Thailand could benefit from making it super-easy to set up a one-person company   Quotes:   "I’ve been kind of hoping to find a way where maybe we could build digital nomad city"   "ButI did good finding the right people, I did good finding those who are better than me."   "I’ve realized that I’m probably not the only person being in this kind of situation, that there must be other people who would like to stay and work in Thailand and actually pay their taxes here as well from the work they do."   I got pretty much told by the lawyers that dream on, it is never gonna happen. It’s never gonna happen, because your business is too small. (…) And for a moment, I thought, well, it’s not gonna happen, but it kept on bugging me, I was like, well, I do need to get the answer, so I flew myself there."   "You know, I’m actually quite happy to pay the taxes in Thailand, and also as a company as well as my personal income tax too, because this country has given us so much that I’m quite happy to give back."   "I got my hands on a study that was done in Finland about outsourcing to India. And it was quite shocking, the results of the study were that it’s 31% more expensive outsourcing to India than doing it locally in Finland. "    

Ozzi Jarvinen - Founder of Iglu, a company aligned with the future   How Iglu can help you relocate your business to Thailand, give you a business visa, so you can concentrate on what matters and enjoy life.   If there are two words that best describe our guest today they are INNOVATION & ATTITUDE   Founder of Iglu, initially a software development company that has grown up to 500% a year, into a  growing community of 99 digital professionals + 24 nationalities, in 4 offices  in Thailand, goalkeeper of the Chiang Mai ice hockey team,    He explains how they can help you relocate your business and/or your entire team to Thailand, help you get a business visa that enables you to get into Thailand via express lane (same as the monks and diplomats, that’s right), your taxes, health insurance, give you a cool office, 98 digital coworkers from 24 nationalities, so you can concentrate on what matters and enjoy life. It’s not a dream, it’s the work future already here.    He also shares the benefits of paying taxes in Thailand, how outsourcing to India can be 31% more expensive because of Communication, work methodology and control, and because of different concepts of deadline.      We talk about:   -advantages of homeschooling kids   - how he got the strict Thai government to endorse his project   - the lifestyle one can have in chiang mai   - the Digital Nomad city he dreams of building   - how he got to test playstation games for the military   - how Iglu became the biggest employer of Finns in Thailand   - how Chiang Mai transitioned from having 10 digital nomads to thousands of them now    - why companies from Silicon Valley realized their technical work does not have to be done in Silicon Valley    - how Thailand could benefit from making it super-easy to set up a one-person company   Quotes:   "I’ve been kind of hoping to find a way where maybe we could build digital nomad city"   "ButI did good finding the right people, I did good finding those who are better than me."   "I’ve realized that I’m probably not the only person being in this kind of situation, that there must be other people who would like to stay and work in Thailand and actually pay their taxes here as well from the work they do."   I got pretty much told by the lawyers that dream on, it is never gonna happen. It’s never gonna happen, because your business is too small. (…) And for a moment, I thought, well, it’s not gonna happen, but it kept on bugging me, I was like, well, I do need to get the answer, so I flew myself there."   "You know, I’m actually quite happy to pay the taxes in Thailand, and also as a company as well as my personal income tax too, because this country has given us so much that I’m quite happy to give back."   "I got my hands on a study that was done in Finland about outsourcing to India. And it was quite shocking, the results of the study were that it’s 31% more expensive outsourcing to India than doing it locally in Finland. "