Real estate investor Lane Kawaoka shares his experiences investing for cash flow and passive income that allowed him to quit his engineering job at age 33.

Guest Biography

Lane Kawaoka currently owns 2,600+ units across the US. He lives in Hawaii and recently quit his day job as a Professional Engineer with a MS in Civil Engineering & Construction Management and a BS in Industrial Engineering.

Lane partners with investors who want to build their portfolio, but are too busy to mess with “tenants, toilets, and termites” by curating opportunities in his “Hui Deal Pipeline Club” where his investors have personal access to him and know that Lane is personally putting his money on the line too. The Hui Deal Pipeline Club has acquired over $155 Million dollars of real estate acquired by syndicating over $15 Million Dollars of private equity since 2016.

Lane reverse engineers the wealth building strategies that the rich use to the middle class via the podcast. Lane’s mission is to help hard working professionals out of the rat race, one free strategy call at a time.

Show notes:

In this episode, you will learn:

How to get started in real estate investing. Lane will take us through his experiences from renting his first place to growing his investment portfolio. Why you should think cash flow, rather than appreciation. How to go from investing in single family to multi-family and syndication investing because it's more scalable.

Find more from our guest: Twitter Instagram LinkedIn

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The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People's Lives Better, Too) by Gretchen Rubin

 Runnymede Money Tip of the Week:

How Much Do I Need To Retire? Thanks for Listening!

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Special thanks to Jim Kimo West for the music.

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