I think we're all striving for this ideal body, face, energy, partner, or life. In that quest, sometimes we give up the most important thing: our overall health and wellness. When I started following Christine Bullock on Instagram, she immediately took me; Christine is stunning. She is a trusted voice in wellness and one of the premier fitness & lifestyle experts in the marketplace today. Christine says that if you feel intimated by health and wellness, it's time to embrace your own genetic makeup; no one is perfect! 


So, Christine joins the show to talk about going through IVF, trying to get pregnant multiple times, having miscarriages, and how she found herself on a quest for wellness. Also, Christine talks to us about her journey into motherhood and growing a thriving business. She reveals the significant shifts that she took along the way. Plus, Christine gives tons of practical advice about starting your own business and the importance of taking care of yourself on your journey.

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