The Tie Between Tattoos & Time | What Millionaires Know About Time

What’s the one thing we all need, but none of us have enough of? Yes, TIME. Forget about money, those precious minutes are the real treasure!

On today’s episode, I'm sharing how I prioritize moments with my loved ones over chasing cash. I think we can all agree that life's too short to waste time on things that don’t light us up. 

So click play, and let's figure out how to make every minute count, filling our days with joy and the cash flow we all need.


Watch the episode here.

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The Tie Between Tattoos & Time | What Millionaires Know About Time

What’s the one thing we all need, but none of us have enough of? Yes, TIME. Forget about money, those precious minutes are the real treasure!

On today’s episode, I'm sharing how I prioritize moments with my loved ones over chasing cash. I think we can all agree that life's too short to waste time on things that don’t light us up. 

So click play, and let's figure out how to make every minute count, filling our days with joy and the cash flow we all need.


Watch the episode here.

Fill out your Brand Assessment here.


Connect with Keri Murphy on

Instagram: @inspiredlivingtv

Facebook: Inspired Living by Keri Murphy


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