Kate Northrup has built a multimedia digital platform called The Origin Company that reaches hundreds of thousands globally. An entrepreneur, bestselling author, and mother, Kate has committed to supporting women who want to change the world without burning themselves out. On today’s episode of Inspired Living, hear Kate and Keri chat about breaking burnout and matching your work with your menstrual cycle so you can show up feeling great, do less, and receive more in return. Tune in to learn more from Kate and Keri today!


[07:30] Kate and Keri discuss ‘giving ourselves permission and opening up new doors for ourselves in times of transformation. [13:00] Kate speaks about The Origin Company using biomimicry. [17:00] Menstrual Cycle phases and how they mimic the moon phases. [24:00] Matching up your menstrual cycle with your cyclical energy for work. [32:00] Kate talks about dealing with a tough season in her life last year and how she got through it.


Matching your energy with your cycle can help you actually be more productive by understanding how you may feel during different phases. Reducing friction by working with the season you’re in, can help you get in a state of flow and momentum.  Honor your body and allow it to feel what it needs to feel. Fighting against it can cause more stress and strain. 


Business Pressure Relief Kit 

The Origin Company

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