Arlan Hamilton went from being homeless to running $20 Million in VC Funds; funds dedicated to minimizing funding disparities in tech by investing in high-potential founders. A speaker at this year’s Brilliant Event, Arlan shares how to find the money to fund your dreams, thrive against the odds and how small changes can spark change and growth. Tune in to hear more from Arlan and Keri on this episode of Inspired Living! 


[04:00] Arlan’s story- from homelessness to Venture Capital Firms.  [10:00] Activism & thriving against the odds and naysayers.  [19:01] Arlan’s company, Runner started in 2021.  [25:00] The power of a short email. 


Follow your own expectations and not others.  Empowering others is a form of activism that can help you and them.  Feeding and nurturing your own soul can allow you to give that to other people.  No dream is off-limits. 


Are you joining Arlan & I at this year's brilliant event? One of the most dynamic, innovative and rejuvenating experiences for female entrepreneurs who are CRAVING more. 

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