Casey Binkley is the Founder and CEO of Movia, a company helping brands maximize their advertising results with a unique combination of mobile ads and technology. Movia installs tracking and Wi-Fi collecting devices onto trucks acting as moving billboards, offering real-time impression analytics and retargeting opportunities. Casey is also the Founder of Mobilytics, a leading measurement and analytics provider for the out-of-home advertising industry. With his background in entrepreneurial studies, he excels at identifying opportunities and helping businesses get off the ground.

In this episode…

Out-of-home advertising has been a popular and effective marketing strategy for decades. It is a type of advertising that targets consumers outside their homes by utilizing methods such as billboards, posters, trucks, and digital displays. However, it requires a strategic approach to execute it effectively.

Serial entrepreneur Casey Binkley believes in the potential of OOH advertising, as it can reach a large and diverse audience. Unlike other forms of advertising limited to specific channels, it is accessible to everyone, regardless of demographics or interests. Through a unique combination of mobile ads through trucks and technology, he shares how he's made OOH advertising more interactive and engaging, allowing brands to connect with their audiences on a deeper level.

In this episode of the Inspired Insider Podcast, Dr. Jeremy Weisz chats with Casey Binkley, Founder and CEO of Movia, to discuss how he helps brands thrive through OOH advertising. Casey talks about the genesis of Movia Media and Mobilytics, mobile billboard advertising tech development and execution, and customer success stories.