Jan Kestle is the President of Environics Analytics, a marketing and analytical services company that produces data products and software. Specializing in proprietary data, purpose-built software, and industry-focused consulting, Environics Analytics provides data-driven analytics to help organizations of all sizes better understand customers and markets.

Jan has been a leader in the marketing information industry for over fifty years, helping customers turn data and analytics into insight, strategy, and engagement. She is an expert in using statistics and mathematics to help solve business challenges. Active in the marketing community, Jan was recently awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Marketing Association and the GIS Leadership Award from BeSpatial Ontario.

In this episode…

The contemporary business landscape is often characterized by an ever-growing dependence on data to succeed. However, discerning the proper data and sources, analyzing, and implementing it can pose significant challenges.

Jan Kestle, an expert in utilizing statistics and mathematics to help solve business problems, says it's no longer enough to make decisions based on intuition or guesswork. By leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can better comprehend their customers, enhance marketing endeavors and foster growth. Nevertheless, to truly harness the power of data, it is paramount to collaborate with professionals who can help make sense of the information. These experts specialize in developing data-driven strategies that deliver tangible results for businesses.

Listen to this episode of the Inspired Insider Podcast with Dr. Jeremy Weisz featuring the President of Environics Analytics, Jan Kestle. They discuss her professional background in data and statistics, the genesis of Environics Analytics, and how to use data, statistics, and software to better understand customer segments, improve marketing efforts, and solve business problems.