Joanna Wiebe is Founder of CopyHackers which helps people write more persuasive, believable and usable copy to boost website and email conversion rates.


Copyhacker bundles have been consumed by over 14,000 startups and they have been featured on Kissmetrics, visual website optimizer, copyblogger and many more.

She’s written crazy-converting copy for some of the biggest names in online marketing - like Neil Patel - and invited to speak at events like Inbound, Problogger, among others. Tech businesses like Shopify, LivingSocial, Unbounce, & Asana  refer to her books and courses for copy guidance, and


To top it off Mindvalley’s Vishen Lakhiani called her “one of the world’s greatest copywriters”, alongside Frank Kern and the late, great Gene Schwartz.