Today we have the founder of The Yes Bar, Abigail Wald. The YES Bar was born in 2012 in their kitchen in California. Her younger son had a lot of food sensitivities and health challenges, and she had to say "no" to most things he wanted to eat. She wanted to create something that she could say YES to every time. People can get a Yes bar on, Amazon, and they are in about 200 stores across the country.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: [1:10] Jeremy introduces his guest, Abigail Wald. [2:30] Abigail talks about how business partners came into the picture. [10:30] Challenges faced along the way. [14:45] Milestones that Abigail has celebrated. [17:00] What’s next for The Yes Bar? In this episode…

What does forming a partnership in business look like? How do you know who to partner with and who will play which roles in the company? Imagine finding someone you feel like you can trust enough to have access to the business that you build. On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from business leader and entrepreneur Abigail Wald as she opens up about the process of forming a partnership to continue the growth of her small business. The process wasn’t easy but Abigail came out the other end with solid business partners who have allowed her to position her company in a way for it to thrive and succeed in the marketplace. To hear more about Abigail’s story, make sure to listen to this episode!

What is your plan to deal with difficulties in business as they arise? Do you foresee yourself engaging with a proactive or reactive approach? How will you and your team learn from challenges faced along the way to find success in spite of the roadblocks? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from entrepreneur Abigail Wald as she goes over the key takeaways that she and her team have learned from as they’ve experimented and developed their products. Abigail’s attitude and mindset around failures and challenges are refreshing, she doesn’t see them as a waste but as a valuable lesson to learn from in order to move forward. Find out more from Abigail and her team on this episode!

What do you do to keep up your successful momentum in life and business? Do you live for the reward, do you love checking off the goals you’ve accomplished, or do you enjoy celebrating the milestones with those who have helped you make on your journey of success? For Abigail Wald and her team at The Yes Bar, they celebrate milestones. In just a few minutes, Abigail can tick off a whole impressive list of things she is proud of that her team has accomplished. In fact, Abigail is so proud of her company’s product that she’s confident that there isn’t anything anyone can find about it to say “No” about! Learn more about Abigail’s fascinating journey on this episode of Inspired Insider - you don’t want to miss it!

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