Megan Reamer is the founder of the potato chip company Jackson's Honest. She sells them all over the US and in eight countries in places like Whole Foods, Bed Bath and Beyond, Woodman's to name a few. Early on they were even selected by the Academy Awards to be an exclusive snack food for the green room, executive suites, and backstage. Megan is a mother of four and the company was inspired by their son Jackson's illness.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: [1:10] Jeremy’s introduction to this episode. [2:05] Megan talks about hiring and building a team. [7:20] How do Megan and her team decide to launch a new flavor? [10:30] Responding to customer feedback. [11:30] What does a product launch look like? [13:15] Challenges that come with quick growth. [15:30] The lowest business moment. [21:00] How to connect with Jackson’s Honest [23:25] Parting words from Megan. In this episode…

It’s that moment that many entrepreneurs live for, hearing that your product has connected with customers. Megan Remer experienced this delightful moment when she started to receive initial feedback on her company’s products, they were connecting with customers. She was overjoyed at the fact that there was a wider audience for her product and that it tapped into a need in the marketplace. On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear Megan discuss difficulties with rapid growth, lessons learned from a logistics nightmare, how she keeps things positive, and much more! This is an episode you don’t want to miss!

Every business leader dreams of having their product take off with instant success and rapid growth. Unless you’ve been there, it’s hard to understand why this can be a dangerous desire. Megan Reamer saw her company’s product skyrocket in sales and popularity in a short time frame. She connected with an untapped need in the marketplace and the customer feedback was overwhelmingly positive. It was great! But it was also very difficult. Especially as a new company that didn't have the experience and infrastructure to handle such rapid growth. But Megan and her team at Jackson’s Honest got a handle on what they needed to do to respond to their quick success. Find out what you can learn from Megan’s experience on this episode of Inspired Insider!

It's always difficult when things don’t go your way. You can react to these frustrations in three ways - fight it, give up, or learn from it. Business leader, Megan Reamer explains how she chose to learn from a frustrating experience. In what would turn out to be a logistics nightmare, Megan had to decide how she would react. She, of course, did everything she could to solve the dilemma she had with shipping her product to a store but more importantly, she looks back as a moment she learned from. Reacting in this way can set leaders up for great success. Don’t give up, don’t get bitter, learn from low moments! Find out more from Megan’s story on this episode of Inspired Insider.

What is your response when things get really difficult in life? Are you more prone to fight or flight? On this episode of Inspired Insider, Jeremy talks with Megan Reamer. She found that her response to difficult situations is to keep things positive. Megan encourages business leaders to take a look at the adversity they are facing in life and business and push through it. It’s like that old saying, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Megan did just that when she started her company, Jackson’s Honest. Hear more of Megan’s success story on this episode!

Resources Mentioned on this episode Jackson Honest’s website: Jackson Honest’s Twitter page: Jackson Honest’s Facebook page: Shopify Excel Quickbooks Google Calendar John Mackey Whole Foods Sponsor for this episode

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