Yuri Elkaim is a New York Times best-selling author, former professional athlete, and business strategist. He’s also the Founder and CEO of Healthpreneur, a company that helps health practitioners fill and scale their practice. 

Yuri's journey in health and business crossed paths, unfortunately, when he lost all his hair at 17 due to an autoimmune condition. He went on to start an online health empire, building a following of over 500,000 people before selling the business. Yuri now runs Healthpreneur, where he leads a world-class team of coaches that help health professionals create transformative results and get high six and seven figures from their virtual practices.

In this episode…

No one works harder than an entrepreneur, but that is a blessing and curse. So many entrepreneurs work hard to keep their businesses thriving but forget to take care of themselves. Yuri Elkaim, Founder and CEO of Healthpreneur, says that’s a big mistake. 

But that’s not the only mistake entrepreneurs are making. For example, many health professionals outsource their marketing way too early without learning the ropes. This is just one reason why many of them struggle in business — they don’t understand how to market and position themselves and think someone else can do it for them. What other mistakes should you avoid in order to lead a healthier business (and life)?

In this Inspired Insider Podcast episode, Dr. Jeremy Weisz sits down with the Founder and CEO of Healthpreneur, Yuri Elkaim. They discuss improving your health while growing your business, the best supplements to consider, business mistakes many health professionals make, and more insights and stories.