PJ Jonas is the founder of Goat Milk Stuff which she built in her kitchen into a multi-million dollar business. Her goat milk products business has been featured on The Today Show, The Doctors, and in Oprah Magazine. She runs a farm and is a mother of eight.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: [1:00] I introduce my guest, PJ Jonas. [2:00] What is the youngest person role? [4:00] PJ’s typical day. [9:00] PJ and her husband’s roles in the business. [11:00] Why Goat Milk? [14:30] How PJ got the business started at craft shows. [18:00] How YOU can empower your kids! [22:30] Some of PJ’s favorite books. [25:00] Finding the right people to join the team. [27:00] Expanding to a higher capacity farm. [31:00] Lessons from managing cashflow wisely and what products work. [37:00] How PJ and her family make business decisions. [39:00] Launching a new product. [46:00] How PJ ended up on a farm. [51:00] Deciding when to grow and how fast. [54:30] The lowest point and highest point in business so far. [57:00] What else does PJ and her family have on the farm? [58:30] A FREE offer from PJ! [59:30] Is the American Dream Dead? In this episode…

What does a thriving family owned business look like? Is it just a company started by the parents and passed on to the kids or could it involve more than that? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from entrepreneur and business owner PJ Jonas as she shares the details of her family owned business, Goat Milk Stuff. One of the KEY reasons that Goat Milk Stuff has experienced such growth and success is because of their unique story. PJ explains how she and her family moved from new New Jersey to Indiana to live on a farm and eventually start their own family business. To catch PJ’s story, make sure to listen to this episode!

Can you imagine searching for a product that would help your family only to find that it doesn’t exist? PJ Jonas wanted a clean and safe bath soap for her children and realized that the options available on the market at that time were very limited. All the products she looked at had complicated and unhealthy additives so PJ set out to make her own soap solution, that’s how Goat Milk Stuff was born. From creating her own soap line, PJ and her family decided to expand their efforts so they took their soap products to local craft shows. This allowed her to connect with other health-conscious moms who found, even more, benefits to the natural and healthy solution of PJ’s goat milk based soap. Don’t miss out on the whole story from PJ on this episode of Inspired Insider!

One of the unique facets of PJ Jonas’ company, Goat Milk Stuff, is that her children are integrally involved with the day to day operations. In fact, this part of their story is what has led Goat Milk Stuff to enjoy such a high profile in the marketplace. PJ’s vision for her family owned business isn’t to just build something for the kids to inherit, she wants them to be active participants in something that matters. To their credit, the children have risen to her high bar and they are all actively involved and look forward to taking over the family business in the near future. There is so much more to PJ’s story, don’t miss any of it on this episode of Inspired Insider!

What family traditions did you grow up with as a child? What values and lessons are you passing on to the next generation? For PJ Jonas and her husband, they are passing on a strong sense of personal responsibility along with their family owned business, Goat Milk Stuff to their children. On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll learn that getting the children involved isn’t PJ’s only focus, she is determined to help them learn and grow into responsible and contributing members of society. PJ and her husband accomplish this goal through homeschooling the children and teaching them from a young age that they have a role to play in the greater family structure. To hear more about PJ and her family’s story, make sure to catch this episode!

What is the secret to keeping a family owned business profitable? If you ask entrepreneur and business owner PJ Jonas, she’ll point to their wise use of cash flow. PJ and her family learned early on that one of the most important steps to stay out of the red were to only spend their money on items and endeavors that would provide a return on their investment. It seems like such a simple principle but, as most business leaders will attest to, it’s easier said than done. Get more insights and lessons from PJ and her journey to build a thriving family owned business on this episode of Inspired Insider!

Resources Mentioned on this episode Goat Milk Stuff’s website: goatmilkstuff.com Goat Milk Stuff’s Facebook page: facebook.com/goatmilkstuff Goat Milk Stuff’s Twitter page: twitter.com/goatmilkstuff Get a free bar of soap from PJ - HERE Goat Milk Stuff on Etsy   Alexander Hamilton Xcart Wordpress Excel Quicken Sponsor for this episode

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