Aired Tuesday, 19 September 2017, 2:00 PM ET

The Power of Speaking Truth to Your Soul

We all talk to ourselves. Some of us have full-blown conversations out loud. Others just mutter silent phrases now and then. Regardless, we all engage in either destructive or constructive inner-thoughts, which is what popular author and speaker, Jennifer Rothschild, would define as self-talk. Jennifer wants to help people live the meaningful and productive lives that were intended for us. Jennifer will give listeners insight on how to replace vicious lies with better-fitting self-talk and how to speak life-giving truth to the inner you – your soul.

About the Guest: Jennifer Rothschild

At the young age of 15, Jennifer was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative eye disease that would eventually steal her sight. It was more than a turning point for the Miami, Florida, native. Her dreams of becoming a commercial artist and cartoonist faded. Words and music have replaced her canvas and palette for more than 35 years.

Jennifer is the author of 14 books with combined sales of over a half-million units, including the newly released Me, Myself and Lies; What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, Invisible: How You Feel is Not Who You Are, best-selling Lessons I Learned in the Dark and DVD-enhanced curriculum product Walking by Faith.

Jennifer shared her life story with national media outlets including “Good Morning America,” “The Today Show,” “Dr. Phil,” Billy Graham, The 700 Club, LIFE Today, and countless magazine and radio outlets.




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