Aired Tuesday, 7 November 2017, 2:00 PM ET

Attract Your Ideal Clients with Love-Based Marketing

It is possible to attract your ideal clients without feeling inauthentic and manipulative. You have a choice when it comes to writing your copy (copywriting is writing promotional materials, nothing to do with putting a copyright on something or protecting your intellectual property) and marketing your business. You can choose fear-based (i.e. more traditional copywriting that sounds hype-y, slime-y and inauthentic) or love-based, where you can attract, inspire and invite your ideal prospects to become ideal clients.

About the Guest: Michele PW

Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) is the best-selling author of the “Love-Based Business” series of books that teaches people how to build a business they love and that loves them back, and the owner of the Love-Based Copywriting and Marketing Company that provides done-for-you services to help entrepreneurs attract more clients and boost their business. Check out tons of free resources to help you build a love-based business and live a love-based life on her blog, including the Love-Based Money podcast and a free Love-Based Biz Kit on her blog.




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