007 Today I, John Campbell, discusses the topic of digital balance and the challenge we are all facing concerning the time our children are spending on their screens. I have worked with Digital technology and related projects for over 25 years and I am currently a Digital Transformation Director for the Scottish Government. I have a passion for the effective and appropriate use of Digital to improve all our lives.  What we are going through is extreme and the resulting change on our use of digital methods has skyrocketed.  It is the same with our children screentime. The majority of us are accepting increased screen time as we work from home but it is all a balance and not a yes/no decision when it comes to our children engaging with their mobile phones, game stations or the TV.  We should manage, monitor and share screentime. I consider the impact, what we can do with some actions and recommended apps, books and ideas to help. 

This is the start of a series of podcasts where we consider the challenge and impact it has on our health and wellbeing of the family.