Great to be back after some time out due skiing accident and today I answer a question that I am asked regularly - how do I get started in my business, especially an outdoor activity-based business?  
In this podcast, I introduce six steps I always use when starting a business and I help and coach new and experienced business owners to start or grow their businesses. 

Helping to encourage and give more people opportunities to be active outdoors is my goal and helping businesses grow and serve more people is the way to help more people. 

The six steps which I see as essential in starting a business and I summarise in the podcast are:

1. Identifying your vision for your company, who is the audience and what is your dream to build and create as your business.  Using vision boards, identify the problem you are solving for people. 

2. Viability check is key to ensure your market is practical and not too big or small to enable you to get started. Create your domain to get some momentum and progression. 

3. Establish your platform to enable people to see and hear what you are doing. Creating a simple web presence and very importantly start collecting email addresses and connecting with your potential audience. 

4. Collect stage is creating a reason for potential clients to leave email addresses so creating a lead magnet which is a useful download for them. This builds confidence and encourages them to leave their email for you. 

5. Monetization of your business as early as possible is essential and putting your knowledge online is the way I recommend getting early income to help you build your outdoor business. 

6. Promote to your market using your email list and the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system which enable you to connect and with your social media create a strategy to extend the reach.  

Connect with me at InspiredandActive on Instagram and the website.