If you’ve ever wanted to feel better, enjoy life more, and feel our oneness or our interconnected being-ness with everyone and everything around you, then do we have the show for you!

Today we’ll be talking Lama Surya Das, considered one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation teachers and scholars. The Dalai Lama affectionately calls him “The Western Lama”. And He’s the best-selling author of 13 books including Buddha Standard Time, Awakening the Buddha Within and his latest book Make Me One With Everything:

Today we’ll be talking about oneness and inter-meditation, or connecting to everyone and everything around us. We’ll talk about why we should do it, how we should do it, when we should do it, and what in the world we have in all have in common with a hot dog.

Topics Include:

What did the Dalai Lama say about a hot dog?
Are we surfing the cresting wave of evolution
How have things changed?
You mention the Dalai lama giving high level teachings to thousands now, why is that?
Why did you write this book?
What is your mission?
Why is it so important to interconnect, and particularly NOW?
Is interconnection a relatively new idea or as old as the Buddha?
What was your experience in France in hermitage retreat with intermeditation?
What is intermeditation
What is Thich Nhat Hanh’s interbeing?
What is the difference between intermeditation – all inclusiveness, and mindfulness? Being aware or bringing all of our perception in?
When I forget who I am, I serve God, when I forget who I am, I am God ~Hanuman
Function Practice
Main Practice
Difficulties along the road?
I intermediate on subways, but my favorite is at intersections, with drivers passing by.
Are we in a new era?
How have times changed?
Are more of the esoteric teachings being shared?
You spoke of the Dalai lama giving high level teachings before thousands now, why is this?
How do we find peace in ourselves, and bring peace to the world
Neoroscientists – Richard Davidson, and Dan Siegel
Tonglen – giving and receiving
Lojong – attitude transformation and spiritual refinement
Everyone is going to die someday, but who amongst us will choose to truly live
Atisha – the lamp master – systematized Lojong – “taming” or “mastering”
What is true attention or lucid attention and how do we cultivate it?
What is nowness awareness or presencing?
After attention is self-acceptace or compassion
Be aware of the fragile and impermanent nature of your life

Live the Buddhist tantric committment of looking at everyone and everything as Buddhas

Be aware of the implications of your motivations and consequences of your actions
My religion is kindness (I just said “My religion is We”
Co-meditating with the dalai lama
Co-meditating with our guides
Natural meditation – clouds, trees, etc.

Intermeditating with trees
Intermeditating with animals

The less full of myself I am, the more room there is for others.

Inspiration | Motivation | Meditation | Spiritual | Spirituality | Dalai Lama | Tibet | Tibetan | Buddhism | Religion | Health | Peace | Happiness | Joy | Love | Self-Help

