This week, my special guest talks about her new book, and what inspired her to write and become a detective in the police force. She also tells us why she calls herself the “intuitive detective”. Fix up your favorite beverage, grab a snack, pull up a chair or crank up your podcasting app during your commute to and from work and hang out with us in my virtual living room.
Stacey Webb is an Intuitive Trauma Release Mentor, Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner, Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner, Intuitive Intelligence Trainer, Embodied Processing Practitioner in Somatics, Speaker and Author.
Stacey guides and supports people who feel a deep longing to reconnect with themselves. Creating and holding space for people as they; find and create safety within themselves, cultivating a relationship with themselves, to empower their nervous system in allowing the release of fear, stressful emotions, limiting beliefs and traumatic events from their body. Stacey does 1:1 sessions and group circles where her services are used by people all over the world.
Stacey is also the Author of ‘The Intuitive Detective’
The Intuitive Detective is a memoir where Stacey Webb shares snippets of her youth, early career as a police officer and detective, and present-day experiences to bring awareness to how listening to her intuition (and at times avoiding it) shaped her life. Stacey shares how following her intuition allowed her to face her fears and go deeper on her healing journey as she continues to walk towards her authentic truth and inner wisdom.
Stacey Webb inspires us to listen to our own inner compass and attune to our intuition, allowing ourselves to be the detective in our own healing journey.
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