This week, I am excited to introduce to you, a special guest who is here to bring you information, tips and encouragement to help you turn your dream of starting a business into a reality. Pull up a chair, and get ready to take copious notes, because the information Francie shares with us is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to building your business from the ground up.
Francie Hinrichsen is a business sage empowering female entrepreneurs to breathe life into the business dreams God called them to.
After feeling like a misfit in the corporate world, Francie discovered a life she loved waking up to through business ownership.
Francie is the author of Dream, Build, Grow: A Female’s Step-by-Step Guide for How to Start a Business.
She’s a passionate entrepreneurship hype girl, female leader, public speaker, and community enthusiast.
Her MBA and 10 years in a corporate career and in business ownership positioned her to teach women modern strategies for starting and growing successful businesses.
Francie owns and operates two businesses, Simply Integrated, LLC, a data and analytics marketing company, and Founding Females™ where she leads a team of other female entrepreneurs in specially curated communities designed for members to support and uplift one another.
She believes that anyone with a dream on their heart can pull up a seat to change the world through entrepreneurship.
Dream, Build, Grow can be purchased at:
Connect with Francie at the following links:
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