How Authority Builds Trust in a New Brand with Canon Wing

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The number one way Big Brands got their meteoric RISE! Get the Answer Key From this Fortune 100 insider. ☝️

You don’t need to be a celebrity or have a massive online following to start building your brand’s reputation as an authority in your industry. Here’s the top four strategies for building authority so your new brand can Come Out of Nowhere. Watch here!

Top Tips:

✅ As cautious as today’s ultra-discerning digital consumers can be, when presented with the powerful emotional trigger of Authority, will easily begin to trust a brand. Learn more now! 

✅ People are beginning to favor brands that choose one thing, and then strive to do that one thing better than anyone else.

✅  “Naming your brand’s higher purpose, the heart and the humanity behind what your brand has to offer the world, is an incredibly powerful use of authority because it makes your brand an expert in making the world a better place.”

✅  Be able to express in one snappy sentence exactly who your business is and what value it provides...

✅ The purpose of using authority in branding is to establish trust, and never to position your brand above your Ideal audience. Always use authority from a caring and helpful standpoint, and as an opportunity to start a conversation.

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