This week I had the pleasure of catching up with Wes Bos about his transition from MySpace theme designer to one of the most influential people in web dev. We discuss his latest courses, his journey with JavaScript and how developers love stickers.

Wes on the web

Courses by Wes Bos

All Courses

Mastering Markdown
ES6 for Everyone
Learn Redux
Command Line Power User
React for Beginners
Sublime Text Power User
What The Flexbox
Learn Node

Wes has kindly created a special offer for Inspect listeners.

Use the code INSPECT for $10 (USD) off any of his paid courses.

Mentioned in the show

CSS Zen Garden
Hacker You
Ladies Learning Code
Eloqunet Javascript, Marijn Haverbeke
You Dont Know JS, Kyle Simpson - JavaScript Essential Training
Anthony Garand Tweet
CSS Tricks - A Complete Guide to Flexbox
Sarah Drasner
Can I Use CSS Grid
CSS Dev Conf
Speaking about speaking (feat. Helen V. Holmes)
Github AMA
Wes’ ‘Uses’ page
Harry Roberts’ ‘Uses’ page
Ajay’s ‘Uses’ page
Uses This
Web Bos on Developer Tea — Part 1, Part 2


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