In episode six of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam Whalen delves into a variety of topics, beginning with the enduring popularity of older video games. Highlighting a surprising trend, he points out that a significant portion of gaming time in 2023 was dedicated to titles that are six years old or older, with games like Fortnite, Roblox, League of Legends, Minecraft, and GTA V dominating playtime. This data suggests a challenging environment for new games to capture the attention of gamers, overshadowed by these longstanding favorites. Sam explores how these older games continue to thrive, attributing their success to constant updates, built-in player bases, and their capacity to provide short, satisfying gameplay sessions. This segment raises questions about the future of new game development in a market dominated by a few juggernauts.

Transitioning from the discussion on game longevity, Sam shares his excitement and thoughts on "Dragon's Dogma 2." He offers an enthusiastic review, praising the game's immersive world and dynamic gameplay while acknowledging its technical shortcomings and the quirky, old-fashioned dialogue. Despite these flaws, Sam finds the game captivating, especially enjoying the epic moments and combat system that allows players to feel remarkably powerful and engaged. The review provides a balanced perspective, highlighting the game's potential to offer rewarding experiences to players willing to overlook its imperfections.



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