1.4 million battery powered and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles were registered in Europe in 2020 – evidence that a real boom is being experienced in this area.

But how good are electric vehicles really in terms of efficiency and sustainability? Christoph Ulusoy, CEO & Founder of eVehicle for you GmbH, talks about the current status and whether battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are a viable alternative to the combustion engine.

Axel Weimann, General Manager at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions reveals what and how much is based on beliefs – and what OEM's are really focusing on.

Of course, the new development of the Frauenhofer Institute – the Power Paste – could not be missed in this episode. Can such innovations make the e-lead void?

We also explore the question of whether the price of an electric car is higher than that of a combustion engine. Myth or truth?

And what exactly does "back to the roots" have to do with range?

Discover more about these issues in this episode of Insights and Beyond – the podcast from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions.

eMobility in Everyday Life

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