State again taps Trump border wall company for COVID-19 staffing amid omicron. A homelessness Point-in-Time Count is taking place for the first time since the pandemic. Sacramento discusses “active transportation” goals for 2045 carbon neutrality.

Today's Guests

CapRadio State Government Reporter Scott Rodd shares his reporting on another no-bid contract between the state of California and a company that helped build the border wall under the Trump administration.
Sacramento Steps Forward CEO Lisa Bates, the lead regional agency that coordinates housing and services for homeless families and individuals, discusses the upcoming 2022 Point-In-Time Count, which is a volunteer-based canvass of the unsheltered homelessness community. 
Chair of Mayors' Commission on Climate Change Anne Stausboll discusses the importance of active transportation ahead of the Sacramento City Council meeting, which has a workshop on climate and transportation.

State again taps Trump border wall company for COVID-19 staffing amid omicron. A homelessness Point-in-Time Count is taking place for the first time since the pandemic. Sacramento discusses “active transportation” goals for 2045 carbon neutrality.

Today's Guests

CapRadio State Government Reporter Scott Rodd shares his reporting on another no-bid contract between the state of California and a company that helped build the border wall under the Trump administration.
Sacramento Steps Forward CEO Lisa Bates, the lead regional agency that coordinates housing and services for homeless families and individuals, discusses the upcoming 2022 Point-In-Time Count, which is a volunteer-based canvass of the unsheltered homelessness community. 
Chair of Mayors' Commission on Climate Change Anne Stausboll discusses the importance of active transportation ahead of the Sacramento City Council meeting, which has a workshop on climate and transportation.