Sacramento 2022 homeless point-in-time count and future funding for programs and services. Recipient discusses DACA 10 years later, and a law professor explains the legal challenges ahead.

Today's Guests

CapRaido’s Chris Nichols breaks down the 2022 homeless point-in-time count in Sacramento
Shannon Dominguez-Stevens from Loaves and Fishes and Emily Halcon, Sacramento County’s Homeless Initiatives Director, to discuss the findings and how the city and county will use the information for future funding and services.
Kevin R. Johnson, Dean, Mabie-Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law and Chicana/o Studies at UC Davis, discusses legal challenges and the future of DACA. Erik Ramirez, Sacramento State’s Director of Equity and Affinity Centers (which includes the Dreamers Resource Center), will discuss his experience as a DACA recipient and work helping DACA recipients navigate higher education.

Sacramento 2022 homeless point-in-time count and future funding for programs and services. Recipient discusses DACA 10 years later, and a law professor explains the legal challenges ahead.

Today's Guests

CapRaido’s Chris Nichols breaks down the 2022 homeless point-in-time count in Sacramento
Shannon Dominguez-Stevens from Loaves and Fishes and Emily Halcon, Sacramento County’s Homeless Initiatives Director, to discuss the findings and how the city and county will use the information for future funding and services.
Kevin R. Johnson, Dean, Mabie-Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law and Chicana/o Studies at UC Davis, discusses legal challenges and the future of DACA. Erik Ramirez, Sacramento State’s Director of Equity and Affinity Centers (which includes the Dreamers Resource Center), will discuss his experience as a DACA recipient and work helping DACA recipients navigate higher education.