Proposed bridge park over I-5 would reconnect downtown Sacramento and the riverfront. Checking up on the CARE Court pilot program in Stanislaus County. Finally, the SacramenKnow newsletter is rolling out audio “local legend” features.

Proposed Downtown Park Over I-5
A new plan seeks to connect Downtown Sacramento with the city’s riverfront - by building a deck park over a stretch of I-5 between Capitol Mall and O Street. The proposal, called the Sacramento Stitch Park Riverfront Reconnection Project, is supported by the Downtown Sacramento Partnership and Rep. Doris Matsui, who has requested $5 million in federal funding to help with planning efforts. Scott Ford, Deputy Director of the Downtown Sacramento Partnership joins Insight to talk about the project’s vision, and how it plans to reconnect communities.
Stanislaus County CARE Court
In late 2023, Stanislaus County became one of seven California counties to pilot the state’s new CARE Court system - a new judicial division intended to handle serious mental health conditions and substance addiction, and address the homelessness crisis. Marijke Rowland, the Senior Health Equity Reporter for the nonprofit Central Valley Journalism Collaborative, provides a look at how the court has been working so far in its first six months.
SacramenKnow’s ‘Local Legend’
Throughout the month of June, you’ll hear sound-rich feature stories from CapRadio reporters that take you into some unique worlds and subcultures that make up this place we call home. SacramenKnow Newsletter editor Claire Morgan has the lowdown on local legends.