Nevada law enforcement agencies pilot a virtual response program for mental health emergencies. NASA’s groundbreaking James Webb Telescope. Sacramento performance troupe “Authentic Voices.”

Nevada mental health program

In recent years, law enforcement has come under criticism for failing to be adequately prepared for mental health crisis calls. In Nevada, one hopeful solution is taking shape. Recently, the Nevada “Department of Health and Human Services” received a nearly $4 million grant to equip law enforcement agencies with capabilities to virtually provide 24/7 access to behavioral health professionals. The pilot will begin across seven counties in Nevada, including Washoe and Carson City. The goal of the “Virtual Crisis Care” program is to ensure that Nevada’s most remote residents receive similar access to mental health resources that one would receive in Las Vegas or Reno. KUNR Public Radio reporter Lucretia Cunningham joined Insight to tell us more about the program

NASA James Webb telescope

Our feet may have been planted firmly on Earth this week, but our minds have traveled to the far reaches of the universe. This epic journey was made possible by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, which released its first images of deep space, and the pictures are nothing short of breathtaking. Cosmic cliffs and valleys of gasses sprinkled with shimmering stars. A gathering of galaxies caught in a delicate dance with thousands more in the vast darkness of space, and the most captivating and clearest image so far of the 14 billion-year-old universe in its infancy. The images were hailed as a triumph by scientists around the world, and some of the most excited scientists could be found at universities in the Central Valley. Astrophysicist Guillermo Barro at the University of the Pacific immediately downloaded the photos when they were published and instantly saw Webb’s potential to unlock more cosmic mysteries. Physicist Dr. Anna Nierenberg and her team at UC Merced have been granted highly coveted time with Webb and devised a plan to use the most powerful telescope ever launched into space.

Authentic Voices

CapRadio Host Donna Apidone shares her conversation with Authentic Voices, a Sacramento performance troupe that, through personal experiences, and humor, enables the audience to experience people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, and European-Americans without shame or judgment.