Why California Highway Patrol does not provide body cameras for 97% of officers. Republicans push to suspend the gas tax. Legislative fix of UC Berkeley’s enrollment cap. Resolution to end the State of Emergency. Author John Lescroart’s latest book.

Today's Guests

CalMatters Justice Reporter Byrhonda Lyons gives us a deeper look into her reporting on why California Highway Patrol, one of the state’s largest police agencies, does not provide body cameras for 97% of its officers. 

CapRadio Politics Report Nicole Nixon updates the latest from the State Capitol including a push to suspend the gas tax, undoing UC Berkeley’s enrollment cap, and a resolution to end the pandemic State of Emergency.

UC Davis law professor Christopher S. Elmendorf discusses the environment law at the core of the court order for UC Berkeley to enact an enrollment cap, which would have cut its Fall 2022 enrollment by 2,600 students. 

CapRadio Morning Edition Host, Donna Apidone, brings us her conversation with author John Lescroart about his latest book “The Missing Piece.”

Why California Highway Patrol does not provide body cameras for 97% of officers. Republicans push to suspend the gas tax. Legislative fix of UC Berkeley’s enrollment cap. Resolution to end the State of Emergency. Author John Lescroart’s latest book.

Today's Guests

CalMatters Justice Reporter Byrhonda Lyons gives us a deeper look into her reporting on why California Highway Patrol, one of the state’s largest police agencies, does not provide body cameras for 97% of its officers. 

CapRadio Politics Report Nicole Nixon updates the latest from the State Capitol including a push to suspend the gas tax, undoing UC Berkeley’s enrollment cap, and a resolution to end the pandemic State of Emergency.

UC Davis law professor Christopher S. Elmendorf discusses the environment law at the core of the court order for UC Berkeley to enact an enrollment cap, which would have cut its Fall 2022 enrollment by 2,600 students. 

CapRadio Morning Edition Host, Donna Apidone, brings us her conversation with author John Lescroart about his latest book “The Missing Piece.”