Caltrans proposes toll express lanes on parts of I-80 and US 50 in Sacramento and Yolo counties. The nation’s first commercial direct air capture plant opens in Tracy. A Sacramento independent publisher of children’s books for a diverse audience.

Caltrans Proposes Toll Lanes Across Yolo Causeway
If you commute through Sacramento and Yolo counties, chances are you’ve experienced traffic come to a crawl on I-80 over the Yolo Causeway. Caltrans and the Yolo Transportation District have a plan to alleviate that gridlock with toll express lanes on portions of I-80 and HWY 50. The agency is seeking public comment on this $465 million project, with an upcoming date scheduled for Dec. 13 at the Mary L Stephens Davis Branch Library on 315 E. 14th St. in Davis from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dennis Keaton from Caltrans joins Insight to talk more about how the proposal plans to reduce delays and improve travel.
Tracy’s First-in-the-Nation Direct Air Capture Facility
A commercial direct air capture facility in Tracy is setting a national precedent in climate goals. It is the first in the United States that can extract carbon from the air, permanently store it and sell carbon removal credits to customers. CapRadio Environment Reporter Manola Secaira talks more about the science behind carbon sequestration and direct air capture, and how the new facility factors into California’s fight against climate change.
Sacramento Children’s Book Publisher
Finding children’s books that reflect our diverse community can be difficult, especially for children and families of color.  A Sacramento husband and wife team, inspired by their daughter, decided it was time to make cultural books more accessible to all by publishing picture books for kids.  Award-winning author and publisher Samuel Narh joins us to talk about the need for diverse children’s books and what led him to start Chasing a Spider Publishing.