“Isolating A Bad Time” Insight Mentality Podcast Ep.6
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The Story:
We've all been through things. We’ve all been through the wringer at some point. Everybody on the face of the planet has suffered in some way or another. Some people struggle with big issues, some people struggle with the small little niggling issues that happen throughout the day.
I am the “I Hate Small Issues” type of a person. When something major goes wrong or a cataclysm happens, or if there's a huge catastrophe, I can handle it and I am usually the one who makes sure that everything is sorted out. I can get people through it.
On the other side, when a ton of small things happen. I can't handle it. It makes me crazy when I'm having one of those days - like this morning - where it's just little thing, after little thing, after little thing, going wrong. It's enough to make me want to chew my own feet off. I could just go berserk and never come back.
Just this morning, I started to get my day going at 3am, because I had a call with that client cancelled at the last minute. It’s annoying, but life happens. I sat down to start creating content and realized that all of my batteries were flat. I was pretty sure I charged them, but apparently not. I switched the batteries.
Then, I couldn't find the cable for my microphone. I eventually found it, and started recording. 20 minutes in, I noticed that my camera-mounted microphone had run out of batteries just enough that the LED was still lighting up, but nothing was getting recorded. As you can imagine, I was annoyed. I replaced the battery.
Then I forgot to switch it on, and lost another half an hour.
I wrote this to convey that things go wrong. A lot. I want to give you the most useful insight into how to deal with times like that.
We can say, “I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not interested.” We can sulk.
I know that I can get through it. I know all of these complications could be happening for a reason, but I don't really care, to be honest with you, because all I care about is that it is happening. “Why,” in this case, seems less important than “what.” Fix the issue, move on.
How do I deal with it? I do a bunch of things, I suppose. I have a handful of coping techniques.
Listen in for more information.

My LinkedIn Article on this: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-isolate-bad-time-jeff-allen/
Get in Touch:
💡 Jeff Allen is the Yeti at YetiVoice. YetiVoice is focused on Marketing, Content, Training, and Consulting.
👉 Follow YetiVoice everywhere to get tips, tricks, insights, and help every day: https://linktr.ee/yetivoice
☎️ Book a call with me: https://yetivoice.youcanbook.me/
Music: "Moocher Jams Part 1" by Crakulis Wreq Support the Crakulis Wreq YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoL8sCJ1Q3KfUiDOjvG6icQ


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