In Episode 5 we interview Michael MacMahon a public speaker, author, actor, coach, voice over artist and unsurprisingly a scanner. …

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In Episode 5 we interview Michael MacMahon a public speaker, author, actor, coach, voice over artist and unsurprisingly a scanner.


Show Notes:

[list type=”circle”]

[li]Michael MacMahon’s Website[/li]

[li]Follow Michael on Twitter – michaelmac43[/li]

[li]‘Back to the Black…How to become debt-free and stay that way’[/li]

[li]SmashWords eBook publishing[/li]

Alvin Hall – Financial educator[/li]

[li]Citizens Advice Bureau[/li]

[li]Winchester Writers Conference[/li]

[li]Pearson Professional Book Proposal Template[/li]

[li]The 30 Day Challenge by John Williams[/li]

[li]Independent Publishing Platform[/li]

[li]Susan Jeffers: Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway[/li]

[li]Pre Event Anxiety for Speakers – blog post by Michael MacMahon[/li]


Over to you

Have you ever spoken in public? How did it go?

The post #5 Speaking with Michael MacMahon appeared first on Creatives Hub.

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