In Episode 3 we chat with Kingsley Davis about the launch of his book Flip The Script and how he …

The post #3 Flip The Script – Book Publishing with Kingsley Davis appeared first on Creatives Hub.

In Episode 3 we chat with Kingsley Davis about the launch of his book Flip The Script and how he went about self publishing.


Show Notes:

Flip The Script is available from Amazon and other stores priced at £9.99 for limited edition paperback and £29.99 for the hardback and ebook. You can also purchase prints of some of the wonderful photographs directly from the website.

[list type=”circle”]

[li]Kingsley Davis[/li]

[li]Follow Kingsley on Twitter – @thenowschool[/li]

[li]Rough Trade records[/li]

[li]The Photographers’ Gallery [/li]

[li]Westminster Reference Library[/li]

[li]Apple iBooks Author eBook creation software[/li]

[li]Adobe Lightroom Digital Photography Tools[/li]

[li]Adobe Photoshop[/li]

[li]Adobe Illustrator[/li]

[li]Adobe Indesign[/li]


Over to you

What’s been your experience of trying to publish a book?

The post #3 Flip The Script – Book Publishing with Kingsley Davis appeared first on Creatives Hub.