In this episode, I’ll kick off the podcast with our lovely marketing coordinator, Maria Ganta.

We’ll be discussing the lessons learned from “Life of a social media manager”, a free e-book in which 25 social media professionals explain what this title means to them. 

We’ll talk about how this ebook came to be, what the experts brought to the table, and what it actually means to work as a social media manager. Also, you’ll learn how to integrate other marketing strategies and assets into social media.

Find out:

Life of a Social Media Manager - the beginningWhat social media experts to followHow long does it take to write an e-book?How it brings added valueHow do you find social media experts that want to contribute?

Resources and Mentions:

Maria Ganta:

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Socialinsider :

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Sue Zimmerman 

Natalia Wiechowski 

Matt Navarra 

Mary Smith 

Andy Crestodina 

Content Chemistry: The Illustrated Handbook for Content Marketing

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