On this week's episode, we talk about a variety of subjects relating to the impact of COVID-19 on West Virginia, including broadband and telehealth, the CARES Act, the business climate, and what our National Guard members are doing to help.

In segment 1, United States Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Brendan Carr, Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, join us for a conversation on broadband and telehealth.  Senator Capito shares with us her concerns: do patients even have access to this technology? She tells us that she's pushing for an expansion under the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, to reach those rural areas. Commissioner Carr tells us about the telehealth initiative he is championing, specifically how they are working to bridge the digital divide that some areas experience, in order to provide equal means for doctor visits online. Finally, Senator Capito tells us why she thinks telehealth is going to become a crucial part of our lives, even after the pandemic.

In segment 2, we continue the conversation about broadband and telehealth with Senator Capito and Commissioner Carr. Senator Shelley Moore Capito talks about technological diagnostic tools that you can use and monitor right from your living room, as well as how this online health care service is an easy way to bring mental health experts into the homes of the people who need them. Commissioner Brendan Carr talks about the broadband capabilities in the state, saying that this pandemic has been an extreme stress test on the system and that it's actually overperforming. He also says the ownership cap on television stations is something that needs addressed, especially in the current climate.

In segment 3, Major General James Hoyer, Adjutant General of the West Virginia National Guard, tells us what his guardsmen and women are doing to help the public in the coronavirus crisis, including sanitizing emergency vehicles for first responders, securing masks, and more. He also explains where the Guard is getting it's funding and if the deficit will impact them, and tells us how he is seeing an increased interest in becoming a member of the National Guard as more and more people are seeing all the things they do for West Virginia.

In segment 4, Advantage Valley Executive Director Terrell Ellis tells us about the business climate amid COVID-19, and that, surprisingly, people are actually still wanting to start businesses in the Mountain state right now, regardless. She says even with all this going on, there are resources available, including Advantage Valley's recent FASTER WV Initiative, and tells you where you can find all the information you need.