LIKE MANY AMERICANS, I struggle to pull away from the dumpster fire that is the Trump Presidency. But I can't because Donald's sociopathy is a matter of American national security. To get an evidence-based insight to the one particular psyche that threatens the American way of life, I joined a million others and bought Too Much and Never Enough. RECOMMENDED.

LIKE MANY AMERICANS, I struggle to pull away from the dumpster fire that is the Trump Presidency. But I can't because Donald's sociopathy is a matter of American national security. To get an evidence-based insight to the one particular psyche that threatens the American way of life, I joined a million others and bought Too Much and Never Enough. RECOMMENDED.

I bought the book after hearing the measured perspective of Mary L. Trump during several interviews. And then I glanced at several hundred reviews of the book and realised it offered deep insights about a broken man who has broken the Executive Office of the United States.

I finished the 214 pages during a lazy Bank Holiday Saturday in Ireland. The book lays bare the myth of The Donald. Mary Trump does not deny reality. She offers a clinician's perspective of a terrible little boy who now compromises the security and prosperity of the United States.

I annotated dozens of pages of the book and then snapped a few shots of my marginalia as part of my Bookshelves Photostream. You can click into the Flickr image above to see several of my annotations.

I recommend you read the book and if you're pressured for time, jump directly into Chapter 14 to get a hard-hitting diagnosis of the leader of the free world.

[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business on the Clonmel Digital Campus of the Limerick Institute of Technology.]