SCOTT CAVANAH from Bradley University visited the Clonmel Digital Campus and he offered his appraisal of some of the augmented reality projects developed on the campus. Scott is Associate Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Interactive Media of Bradley University.

by Bernie Goldbach in Clonmel

SCOTT CAVANAH from Bradley University visited the Clonmel Digital Campus and he offered his appraisal of some of the augmented reality projects developed on the campus. Scott is Associate Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Interactive Media of Bradley University.

Samantha's AR project (photo above snapped during a tabletop session in Questum) is a show reel of her development work. The video shows more than the AR project by linking into a selection of her ePortfolio.
Less is More

Scott revealed that he normally looks a video's timeline before he taps to play content and that he rarely views videos that are more than 30 seconds long. He encourages his UX students in Illinois to respect a similar time limit. He could cite online viewing statistics that show the importance of the 30 second attention span that has been documented by people scrolling social media.

Viewers Read Posts

Another discussion point revolved around user experiences on video sites (Instagram and TikTok) compared to text-heavy platforms like LinkedIn. Research shows people will read several paragraphs on LinkedIn where they won't read the same amount of text content on an Instagram grid post.

[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business on the Clonmel Digital Campus. Scott Cavanah has advised several American students during their semester-long programmes at the Technological University of the Shannon.]