Four time Ironman World Champion Chrissie Wellington joins us on the podcast this week. It's such a fantastic, authentic chat.
We find out how she really felt when she wasn't on Ironman's 2020 list of 'fiercest female competitors' in Kona and why she believes her career only lasted for 5 years.
It's an interview full of wisdom, life lessons and Chrissie style inspiration.
We talk about:
08:06 How she thinks she would have dealt with things in 2020 if she was still an athlete
28:05 How she felt about not being included on Ironman's list of the 'fiercest female competitors' I want to feel that my racing meant something and it wasn't just a really selfish pursuit that gratified me, that it meant something to me and to Ironman.
36:45 We get some life lessons about big transitions in life and why you shouldn't be afraid of having a void or scared of failure.
45:35 What she doesn't miss about racing
48:00 Why she believes she only lasted for 5 years as a full-time athlete
53:00 Why she isn't worried about doing 4 hour rides or running at 4min/km any more.
Find out more about this week's guest - Chrissie Wellington
Chrissie Wellington Twitter
Chrissie Wellington website
Chrissie Wellington's book: A life Without Limits
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Long Range Fuel is a phenomenally tasty nut butter, enhanced by cutting edge science, to boost your stamina, keep you calm and alert and bolster your resilience. Get 10% off by using the code insidetri10 or go direct via this link.
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Four time Ironman World Champion Chrissie Wellington joins us on the podcast this week. It's such a fantastic, authentic chat.

We find out how she really felt when she wasn't on Ironman's 2020 list of 'fiercest female competitors' in Kona and why she believes her career only lasted for 5 years.

It's an interview full of wisdom, life lessons and Chrissie style inspiration.

We talk about:

08:06 How she thinks she would have dealt with things in 2020 if she was still an athlete

28:05 How she felt about not being included on Ironman's list of the 'fiercest female competitors' I want to feel that my racing meant something and it wasn't just a really selfish pursuit that gratified me, that it meant something to me and to Ironman.

36:45 We get some life lessons about big transitions in life and why you shouldn't be afraid of having a void or scared of failure.

45:35 What she doesn't miss about racing

48:00 Why she believes she only lasted for 5 years as a full-time athlete

53:00 Why she isn't worried about doing 4 hour rides or running at 4min/km any more.

Find out more about this week's guest - Chrissie Wellington

Chrissie Wellington Twitter

Chrissie Wellington website

Chrissie Wellington's book: A life Without Limits

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Long Range Fuel is a phenomenally tasty nut butter, enhanced by cutting edge science, to boost your stamina, keep you calm and alert and bolster your resilience. Get 10% off by using the code insidetri10 or go direct via this link.

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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