“It’s a really great and simple idea. It’s something I started doing this year and, even though I’m not finished with one full year of this journal, it’s the only journal I have ever been able to consistently and continually write in every single day, and it’s completely changed my mindset.”

In this episode:

Do you usually give up on journaling?Introduction to the 5-year journal, which is the only journal I’ve written in every dayThe benefits of looking back for reflectionThe story shared in this episode: how my author life has changed in the last five years, and why a journal is helping me stay positive as I move into the next five.

After you listen, head to the blog and join the discussion. Do you journal? Would you try a 5-year journal? How has your #authorlife changed since you first started writing?

I also have a FREE download for you! Head to the blog to get a printable version of this journal you can try for yourself.

Head to the blog now to join our community and get your free template to try this journal for free: https://mehvishkhan.com/the-five-year-journal/

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Science of brain negativity: https://www.verywellmind.com/negative-bias-4589618