“For me, NaNoWriMo is just not realistic. I know myself, I know my schedule, I understand the time that I have in November between work and family commitments and I know I won’t finish writing a complete book. Being realistic is accepting that I can't finish the book in a month, and I am absolutely, completely 100% okay with that.”


In this episode:

What is #NaNoWriMo?Reasons you may (or may not) want to participate in #NaNo, plus 5 tips if you doThe story shared in this episode: How I used to participate and why I don’t anymore.

After you listen, head to the blog and join our community and join in the discussion. Do you participate in NaNoWriMo? Why or why not?

As with many of my podcast episodes, I have a #FREE #resource to help you. Head to blog to download your free word count tracker and, while you’re there, don’t forget to leave a comment about this podcast and join our community of writers and listeners.

Head to the blog now to join our community: https://mehvishkhan.com/should-you-nanowrimo/

Sign-up for my newsletter to get free resources to help you:  https://mehvishkhan.com/newsletter/

Join our podcast community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/insidethewriterssoul/

The official NaNoWriMo website: https://www.nanowrimo.org/

My NaNoWriMo profile: https://www.nanowrimo.org/participants/mkhantastic