“So, as much as I loved being on that stage in that holiday play in the beginning, it quickly became something else. It became something I wouldn’t realize until much later was about race and exclusion and reminding people that I was different, not explaining to people that I already belonged.”

In this episode:

Pros, cons, and considerations of acknowledging holidays in your writingPros, cons, and considerations of acknowledging holidays on your social mediaThe story shared in this episode: Why my kindergarten play haunts me to this day and what it taught me about holidays, perception, and racism

After you listen, head to the blog and join our community and join in the discussion. Do you acknowledge holidays in your novels? Why or why not? Do you have any holidays specific to the worlds you’ve created in your novels? What are their purpose? How do they help with the plot?

With some holidays approaching as we near the end of the year, decide which ones – if any – you want to share on social media and be clear about why you’re sharing them. Draft some posts that not only acknowledge the happiness of the holiday, but also include words of comfort for others. If you’d like to get feedback, make sure you post your ideas on the blog.

As with many of my podcast episodes, I have a FREE resource to help you. Head to blog to download your free worksheet and, while you’re there, don’t forget to leave a comment about this podcast and join our community of writers and listeners.

Head to the blog now to join our community: https://mehvishkhan.com/should-you-acknowledge-holidays/

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