Today on the show, I'm going to focus on a topic that ALL businesses struggle with and it doesn't matter whether you are a product-based business, a service-based business, a digital marketing or solo-preneur business.

Most businesses tend to have a product, solution or service that they are offering to a very specific type of customer. And you are solving that problem with a product or service.

Often, when I see businesses start to struggle, it's because they've decided to take on a project that is outside the businesses area of expertise or zone of genius.

In this episode, we'll cover:

How branching out and taking on projects outside your core expertise may cause your business to struggle Falling into the trap of offering services that are outside the scope of your core business strengths Understanding the path that makes the most sense for YOUR business What scope creep is and how to protect your business from falling into that trap and, will that new project you want to take on take focus away from what you are doing well already?


Thanks for listening! Head over to the show notes for links and resources mentioned during this episode.

Full show notes:

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