Does God love Jewish people or cut them loose?

In the first two parts of the series "Critical Issues Facing in the Epicenter," Joel Rosenberg explains that God loves Jewish people with an everlasting love. With that expression of love, why do people still hate The Jewish people? To answer that, Joel starts with a description of Jews in the Koran as one place where this hate came. Next, Joel explores the three things that Shia Muslims believe: the end of days, the Messiah's coming, and how to speed this up is to annihilate Israel. These radical Muslims believe that by killing and destroying Israel, they are doing a service to God.

Through the reading of different passages of the Bible, these issues converge and give an idea of why this hate is so intense and keeps remaining through time.

At last, Joel shares his final thoughts about the church and the mission of the faithful followers of Jesus related to everlasting love.

This teaching is from October 2019

Inside the Revolution: How the Followers of Jihad, Jefferson & Jesus Are Battling to Dominate the Middle East and Transform the World.
Joel C. Rosenberg

The Twelfth Imam.
Joel C. Rosenberg

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