This is a special episode of Inside the Boiler Room featuring Doug Wright, President & CEO of Superior Boiler and Vice-Chair of ABMA. Please note, this episode was recorded on Thursday, April 2, 2020.

Doug joined ABMA President & CEO Scott Lynch for a discussion on how Superior Boiler and the boiler industry are adapting to the ever-evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The conversation began by going back to early March when it seemed like business as usual. This quickly changed around March 12th and within days, daily interactions were significantly impacted. Doug shared how Superior Boiler reacted to the initial information on the virus and how they began to take action within the company to ensure the health and safety of their employees.

The discussion transitioned to the critical role of the boiler industry in supporting the global infrastructure and their focus on continuing to manufacture while taking all the proper precautions.

The episode concluded with a conversation about the resources ABMA has provided and how Superior Boiler is using the information to address the challenges set forth by these unique times.

To learn more about Superior Boiler, please visit their website at

For more information, on ABMA, check out our social media channels using #ABMABoiler or visit our website at