Today, I am back with probably one of THE most important podcasts that I think literally will impact and seriously change life’s. SO PLEASE I am actually going to beg you (I am usually no pressure sales) share this with a friend, co-worker, family member, neighbor, ANYONE! I promise they AND you will get something very valuable from this podcast. I mean, isn’t the title catchy enough, Recessions Can Make Millionaires- Making money in Real Estate. 
OK so FULL disclosure, I got this catchy title and extremely valuable information from David Bach, A financial guru that has sold MILLIONS of books around the world. If you at all remember back in April 2020 (I mean I know, it’s crazy that was 4 months ago, but it feels like 4 years ago)  I recorded a podcast, Smart Couples Finish Rich… Well, I have continued to read David’s Bach’s books, listen to his Podcasts and subscribe to his newsletters. His content is SO extremely valuable, even if you think you have it all figured out, YOU DON’T, there is so much more to learn!

Check him out at!

Today, I really want to focus on this key topic, Recessions Can Make Millionaire, all you have to do is invest in Real Estate. So who better to take a little advice from a financial Guru and a professional real estate agent with over 20+ years experience in sale and property management of invest properties?? Seriously get a pen, and paper this could change your life and allow you financial stability and freedom.