Today, we are continuing our journey on the 5 steps for First Time Buyers! Let's be honest, everyone could benefit from focusing on saving for down payments and learning about your credit score and credit report. Maybe for you it's working on buying the vacation home or it's your first rental property.... The key components are still the same and often when we are not on our GAME things slip through the cracks.

Podcast #1: Credit Scores and Credit Reports
 Podcast #2: Build, Protect, and Grow your Down payment savings

Podcast #3: How to get Pre-Qualified

Podcast #4: What things you may come up against

Podcast #5: Working with a Real Estate professional (Real Estate professionals can be the KEY to getting into the right home and How my experiences and knowledge can take away all your EXCUSES as to why you shouldn't buy now...)

I hope you will get a pen and piece of paper and get ready for tips on what ACTION items you should be doing in preparing for saving for your down payment and closing costs.

I think the first ACTION plan is to:
1.) CALL ME 303-929-8116 or [email protected] to help you put together your action plan
2.) Get in contact with a Mortgage Lender, NOW! Even if you are not ready to buy today, building the relationship and plan NOW with a lender is going to help you succeed in saving.

Check out this handy calculator that David Bach provided on his website: