First hour I got audio which calls out AOC, and the whole faux global warming nonsense, and have audio about the hypocrisy surrounding the current situation with the PRESIDENT, and didn't get to all the news but played a few clips I really think you should check out including info on a twitter movement for which I'll have an entire post on here dealing with exposing CNN! That's right people the fake media is still at it.

Joining me tonight Joe Rupe who is a self described as an "outgoing fun loving man who lives for the moment, loves unconditionally, laughs at everything."

He's also an excellent host of his own show, and he's been graceful enough to put up with me by featuring me as a guest on one of his episodes not long ago, and so now it's time for me to (be half skilled sure cus he's great!) and have him on the show here live.

But seriously his show is really good guys check him out on his own podcast he's on Mon-Fridays.

Joe grew up knowing at an early age that there was more to life than it seems and quickly became curious about the paranormal and the esoteric. He developed a love for late night talk radio while attending college and soon heard the calling. Joe is host of Lighting The Void and Owner and Executive Producer of The Fringe FM.

With his southern vernacular and outspoken personality it’s always a fun and interesting time hanging out with Joe into the night. He has a great love for both spirituality and science and believes that in the future the two will become one in the same.

Joe doesn’t claim to be an expert in any field except maybe the female form, he always strives to ignite the late night with stimulating conversation and interaction with the listeners and guests. Topics Include Parapolitical, Consciousness, The Occult, Religion, Ancient History, Mystery Schools, Ufology and more!

His show airs Monday - Thursdays on: Weeknights M-F 9pm-midnight Pacific Live Contact Joe a [email protected]



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